I am blue today

I am blue today
why can't I say

I hear his voice
so loud and tough

and all I say
is I am blue today

"Campo de trigo com corvos", Van Gogh, 1890.


em mim o que sinto
é como um duelo
no labirinto
criado por Dédalo

nele vive o minotauro
e eu não sou Teseu
eu sou apenas eu
não me convém matá-lo

"São Francisco em êxtase", Caravaggio, 1595.


eu canto a dor
porque também é para se cantar
e a dor me (n) canta

"Woman Bathing her Feet in a Brook", Pissarro, 1895.


Yesterday I was at the beach.
It was the end of the afternoon
and in my face I could feel the breeze.

The waves were small and calm as I was.
There weren´t clouds in the sky
and I could see
the horizon while
birds were crossing it.

The weather was warm and dry.
Blue light was the sea
contrasting with the white
sand under my feet.

I thought that everything was perfect,
but you were not there for me!

"Sunset at the sea", Renoir, 1879.


buscava meu fiho um tesouro sob a cama
não encontrou nada valioso
(por suposto)
somente um brilhante besouro
que satisfez seus olhinhos de criança

"Menino do papagaio", Portinari, 1954.