
Yesterday I was at the beach.
It was the end of the afternoon
and in my face I could feel the breeze.

The waves were small and calm as I was.
There weren´t clouds in the sky
and I could see
the horizon while
birds were crossing it.

The weather was warm and dry.
Blue light was the sea
contrasting with the white
sand under my feet.

I thought that everything was perfect,
but you were not there for me!

"Sunset at the sea", Renoir, 1879.

3 sorveram o néctar:

Talles Azigon disse...

Senti o cheio do mar e senti a areia em meus pés.a linda sua poética. muito obrigado pelas visitas, fique a vontade para comentar ou não

grande abraços

J.F. de Souza disse...

wow... =')


I was there
in the paradise
without you

I was
in the wrong place

Wanderley Elian Lima disse...

Um dia ainda aprendo inglês. Deus é grande rsrsrsrs
Um abraço